The biggest active
cultural community
The Association of Lithuanian Culture Centres (ALCC) unites 96% of all Lithuanian culture centres. For 14 years this organisation has been carrying out its purpose to unite culture centres, to represent their needs and to ensure that their activities are accessible in Lithuania and abroad. ALCC is a member of the European Network for Cultural Centres and dele-gates to it 8 out of 11 members of Council to the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania as well as 1 member to the Tripartite Committee Under the Ministry of Culture of the Government. Members of ALCC take part in working groups, expert groups, funding programmes of the Seimas, the Government, the Ministry of Culture and prepares projects of various normative acts. Members of ALCC are members of committees of Lithuanian Association of Municipalities and participate in election of Lithuanian Council for Culture. ALCC cooperates closely with other cultural unions, institutions of higher education and organizations engaged in similar activities in Lithuania and abroad.
Strategic goals
Lithuanian culture centres employ nearly 5,000 staff who operate through 5,000 different art groups connecting more than 60,000 citizens. Culture centres prepare more than 200 000 events, projects, programes, etc. a year … Today LACC functions according to the strategic framework 2014-2018 prepared by the working group and approved at the general meeting of the members
The Asociation is governed by the President who has the team consisting of the deputy president,secretary and 11 members of the council representing all the counties of the country.
ALCC‘s mission.The biggest active cultural community aiming to unite cultural centres for the representation of common interests and the formation of cultural policies.
ALCC‘s vision.To unite all Lithuanian cultural centres in the country and abroad for joint activities, to make impact on the establishment of judicial and legislative framework and the political decisions related to the field of culture, to ensure the professionalism and social welfare of cultural workers, and to guarantee the quality of its members‘ performance.
ALCC’s values:
- Professionalism;
- Responsibility;
- Openness to innovations and creativity;
- Communication and cooperation.
- Ambitiousness
- To delegate its representatives to all structures of Lithuania dealing with cultural issues;
- To seek, that while creating Lithuanian legal documents influencing cultural processes the opinion of ALCC would be taken into consideration ;
- To seek for recognition and awareness of LACC in the areas of culture, art, education,science, business , etc;
- To seek for improvement of working conditions and pay rise;
- To develop the network of LACC , to join international cultural organizations;
- To improve the quality of activity of culture centres , ensure professionalism of the staff;
- To systematically strengthen LACC;
- To systematically strengthen the image and awareness of LACC.
- Lithuanian Law of Culture was initiated.
- Systems of accreditation of culture centres and certification of cultural and artictic workers were initiated .
- State programme of modernization of culture centres was initiated .
- Various state culture prizes for culture and art workers were initiated.
- A three-year governmental programme of pay rise for culture and art workers was initiated.
- International and national seminars, conferences, work placements , etc. are initiated and implemented.
- Since 2012 one of most the prestigious national awards “Golden Phoenix” has been established and awarded . It unites culture centres, their partners, politicians, business representatives, culture managers, artists and creators.